The Big Ancient Mediterranean


Women of Ancient History (WOAH) is a module within BAM that addresses women currently at work in the field of ancient history. Over 450 women are cited in the WOAH database and their institutions are mapped for each entry. The interactive map will soon be supplemented with network analysis. All data is open access and available for download in multiple file types. Please use WOAH to add women to your editorial board, to avoid manels, to ask women to speak at your institution. Or just read their publications! WOAH is meant to promote the visibility of academic women in the field through geographic and network visualizations [Click Here]. 

Digital Cicero

Digital Cicero builds on data collected by Caitlin Marley for her University of Iowa Dissertation, “Sentiments, Networks, Literary Biography: Towards a Mesoanalysis of Cicero’s Corpus” (2018).  The first component of Digital Cicero is a network based on data gathered from the Epistulae ad Familiares, including the names of Cicero’s correspondents, the dates of the letters, their geographic origin, their destinations, the people who were mentioned in every letter, and the places mentioned. The resulting visualization shows the exchange of letters in the ad Familiares. The size of the node corresponds with the amount of exchanged between the correspondents:

Linking the Big Ancient Mediterranean Conference (June 6-8, 2016)

The Obermann Summer Seminar



University of Iowa: June 6-8, 2016

Preferred Twitter Hashtag: #BAM2016

Sunday, June 5:

Participants arrive at CID or via car and are housed at the Sheraton Hotel-Iowa City.

[Opening Night Event at 8:00 pm at Share Wine Lounge]

Monday June 6

[Location: 2520D UCC upper level room]

9:00-9:45:  Welcome, Opening Remarks on BAM and Linked Open Data

Sarah Bond (Assistant Professor of Classics, University of Iowa; Co-PI of BAM) and Paul Dilley (Assistant Professor of Classics & Religious Studies, University of Iowa; Co-PI of BAM), BAM, Terra Biblica, and Linked Open Data

I. GIS, Geography, and Open Data

9:45-10:30: Tom Elliott (Associate Director of Digital Programs, ISAW-NYU, Managing Editor and Founder of the Pleiades Project), What’s the Latest on the Pleiades Gazetteer of Ancient Places?

10:30-10:45  Coffee Break

10:45-11:30: Elton Barker (Reader in Classical Studies, Open University; Community Director of the Pelagios Project), Identification, Definition, Interpretation: The logic of annotation in a digital BAM

II. TEI and Network Analysis

11:30-12:15: Gabriel Bodard (Remote): (Reader in Digital Classics at University of London; SNAP:DRGN), Standards for Networking Ancient Person-data: A decentralized virtual authority for people, groups and other agents in the ancient world

12:30-1:30  Lunch

1:30-2:15: Michael Satlow (Professor of Religious Studies and Judaic Studies, Brown University, Director of IIP),  Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine: Project Overview 

2:15-3:00: Elli Mylonas (Senior Digital Humanities Librarian, Brown University; TEI Expert, Technical Director of IIP), Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine: Encoding standards, TEI and Epidoc 

3:00-3:15  Coffee Break

III. Time, Periodization, and Networks

3:15-4:00: Adam Rabinowitz (Associate Professor at UT-Austin, Archaeologist and director of PeriodO): PeriodO 2: Linking, Discovering, and Reconciling Information about the Past

4:00-4:45: Ryan Horne (Post Doctoral Fellow, UNC-CH, Technical Director at BAM), Fuzzy Networks, Fuzzy Geography: Visualizing Complex Networks and Uncertain Data in the Big Ancient Mediterranean 

4:45-5:00  Additional Discussion

Tuesday, June 7

[Location: The Studio, Main Library, University of Iowa]

9:00-9:45: Opening Remarks on Preservation and Archiving

Tom Keegan (Head, Digital Scholarship & Publishing Studio, University of Iowa) and Matt Butler (Senior Developer, Media Production & Design Work, Digital Scholarship & Publishing Studio, University of Iowa)

IV. Endangered Languages, Fragments, and Preservation

9:45-10:30: Monica Berti (Remote): (Assistant Professor of DH, Alexander von Humboldt Chair of Digital Humanities, University of Leipzig), The Leipzig Open Fragmentary Texts Series (LOFTS) 

10:30-10:45  Coffee Break

10:45-11:30 Elizabeth Platte (Instructional Technologist at Reed College; Digital Humanities Specialist and Project Manager at Coptic Scriptorium) and Caroline T.  Schroeder (Principal Investigator, Coptic Scriptorium, Professor of Religious and Classical Studies, University of the Pacific), Coptic Scriptorium: Data from the desert

11:30-12:15: David Michelson (General Editor,, Assistant Professor, Divinity School, Vanderbilt University), Bridging the digital gap between libraries, specialists, and the public

12:15-12:30  Additional Discussion

12:30-1:30  Lunch

[Location: 2520D UCC upper level room]

V.Digital Epigraphy, Papyrology, and Numismatics

1:30-2:15: Nico Dogaer (Remote) (KU Leuven, Ancient History; Trismegistos Project), An Introduction to Trismegistos and TM Networks

2:15-3:00: Sara Sprenkle (Associate Professor of Computer Science, Washington and Lee University; Technical Director, Ancient Graffiti Project)Thinking Like a Computer Scientist About Ancient Roman Graffiti

3:00-3:30: Coffee Break

3:30-4:15: Ethan Gruber (Remote) (Director of Data Science at the American Numismatic Society, software creator), and the Future of Linked Open Numismatics

VI. 3D Modeling and Mapping

4:15-5:00: Sebastian Heath (Remote) (Clinical Assistant Professor of Ancient Studies, ISAW-NYU), Narrative Approaches to Counting and Mapping Roman Amphitheaters (Remote).

5:00-6:00: Break before Keynote

6:00 pm: Keynote Lecture at the Senate Chamber, Old Capitol Building

Tom Elliott (Associate Director of Digital Programs, ISAW-NYU; Managing Editor and Founder of the Pleiades Project), Use Cases and Research Questions in the Past-Oriented Spatial Humanities 

Location: Senate Chamber, Old Capitol Building, Pentacrest Museums

7:30 pm: Conference Dinner 

Wednesday, June 8

[Location: Obermann Center Library, University of Iowa]

9:00-9:15 Opening Remarks on Open Access and Public Projects

Stephanie Blalock (DH Librarian, Digital Scholarship & Publishing Studio, University of Iowa; Associate Editor of the Walt Whitman Archive), Open Access, Public Audience, and the Walt Whitman Archive

VII. Open Access and Developing for Public Audiences

9:15-9:45: Kyle Johnson (Remote) (Developer, Classical Language Toolkit), Introduction to the Classical Language Toolkit

9:45-10:30: Hannah Scates Kettler (DH Librarian, Digital Scholarship & Publishing Studio, University of Iowa) and Bob Cargill (Assistant Professor of Classics and Religious Studies), Reconceptualizing Ancient Space : the use of 3d to rebuild, engage and create access

10:30-10:45  Coffee Break

10:45-11:30: Ryan Baumann (Duke Collaboratory for Classics Computing, Developer for, Practical Approaches to Gazetteer Alignment 

11:30-12:15: Samuel J. Huskey (Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Classics & Letters, University of Oklahoma; Director, Digital Latin Library), Evaluating Linked Open Data for the Library of Digital Latin Texts

12:30: Final Lunch and Farewell at the Obermann Center


Terra Biblica: The Gospel of Luke

Terra Biblica

Terra Biblica

The first test text for Terra Biblica is the Gospel of Luke. Our material on the Gospel of Luke makes use of a dataset on the literary character networks in that Gospel compiled by University of Iowa graduate student Cory Taylor for his dissertation.  The pairs of characters you see represent what we call a co-appearance network: that is, these two characters are inferred to appear together in a given scene, based on the narrative progression of the text.  This human entered information is a vast improvement on the alternative of automated network extraction based on Named Entity Recognition.  Cory is compiling similar data for all the Gospels, and is also studying other kinds of literary character networks, including dialogue networks.

Zotero Bibliography for Big Ancient Mediterranean

As we read, use, and apply various articles, books, and volume chapters, we will post their bibliographic details to our Zotero group.!

The Iowa Canon of Ancient Authors and Works

The Iowa Canon of Ancient Authors and Works, currently under development, will feature a database that aims to record all known Greek and Latin authors and their writings, including fragmentary and lost texts, from the earliest period through the seventh century CE.  It will provide extensive metadata for each work, including the date and place of its composition; its status as pseudepigraphic or disputed; its status as complete, fragmentary, or lost; its status as a translation or original Latin composition; its status as Christian or non-Christian; attested abbreviations for the work; a genre designation based on the project’s genre typology; and cross references to other canonical ids (such as the Perseus Catalog, digilibLT, the Packard Latin Canon, and VIAF).  The Canon’s metadata will be available through multi-faceted search and browse in a map-centered interface which visualizes user-selected works according to the location of their author.  A beta version, to be released in Spring 2021, will focus on the Latin Canon, with some Greek entries.  The subsequent phase of the project will be the integration of the Latin Canon with the Greek Canon through their shared metadata categories. 

Paul Dilley is the PI of the Iowa Canon of Ancient Authors and Works, Ryan Horne is the lead developer.  A number of undergraduate and graduate students have contributed: Ed Keogh, Noah Anderson, and Spencer Schmalz (developers); Kenneth Elliot, Elijah Fleming, Tyler Fyotek, Sarah Hales, Caitlin Marley, Peter Miller, Bob Morley, Daniel Munn, Echo Smith, Dana Spyridakos, Jeremy Swist, Ryan Tribble, Jonathan Young, and Wenxuan Xu (data research).

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